At The Bar @ Jake 17:

I must apologize for the lack of action here at the blog. It has been a busy summer for sure. I sincerely hope all Jakers are enjoying the sun and getting out and about. A lot's happened since I last wrote:
Manny to the Dodgers, Heff goes to Italy, I passed a kidney stone, Dancer finds work, Rosco in and out of the hospital... etc etc.
I will try to be better but it's always nice to get some input from y'all. If anyone feels like waxing poetic please don't hesitate to send me a note and I'm happy to post it for you.
By the way - what a surprise - TP & Chief did not make it to the bar in time to get into the picture above... shocker.
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q3 '08]
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