Friday, April 10, 2009

How Can This Be?

Can someone explain to me how it is that in this post 9/11 environment we don't have armed security on any and all U.S. vessels sailing anywhere in the world??

This bullshit has gone on way too long. I wonder what Obama's teleprompter says we should do?

He goes overseas and apologizes to everyone he can find for the way America has behaved. North Korea fires a missile while he is speaking at an event and then for the first time in 200 years we've got these scumbags demanding shit from us. what?? squeeze me? you're what's red n' swollen???

If you ask me what to do - it's very simple. Comply with whatever demands they want, get the Capitan back and then blow their asses up.

Sorry for the rant but this is friggin' ridiculous.



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