This is a walk through Jake history and it will be updated on a continual basis through the years. It will detail the Highs & Lows of each Jake. Anyone is welcome to author an add to this post - simply let me know privately and I'll put it up here. I've put a link on the right hand column called 'JAKE HIGHLIGHTS/LOWLIGHTS' under the 'ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW' heading.
1992 JAKE #1 (Dancer):
HIGH: Squirrel matching up the Old Grand-Dad label with Jake himself @ D-side.
HIGH: Breakfast at Howard Johnson's.
HIGH: Golf at Sag - picture on 9th green.
HIGH: Boat ride.
HIGH: Ticket from Sag.
1993 JAKE #2 (no idea):
HIGH: A bunch of us getting paid to leave Tia's.
HIGH: Heff dropping a glass and Chief falling over at Durgin.
HIGH: Golf at Uni.
1994 JAKE #3 (no idea):
HIGH: Breakfast at Denny's.
HIGH: Stalkfleet sleeping on the cement park bench.
HIGH: A bunch of us sitting people at the K-sale.
HIGH: Golf at Uni.
1995 JAKE #4 (no idea):
HIGH: Cheeseburger & shrimp incident.
HIGH: Heff tossing the guy's tie in the water at the Loft.
1996 JAKE #5 (no idea):
HIGH: Golf at New Meadows.
HIGH: Birth of the "crusty bench"
1997 JAKE #6 (no idea):
HIGH: Golf at H-view.
HIGH: TP's first Jake showing.
1998 JAKE #7 (Doc):
HIGH: Golf at T-brook (breakfast at the course).
HIGH: Jake golf tees - trinket.
1999 JAKE #8 (Dancer):
HIGH: Breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts.
HIGH: Golf at H-view.
HIGH: Jake underwear - trinket.
2000 JAKE #9 (Rosco):
HIGH: 1st breakfast at the old Persy's.
2001 JAKE #10 (Heff):
HIGH: Hub asking "Do you know who I am"?
HIGH: "Jimmy PC" crawling out of the Crab after being thrown out. Then Hub scoring a lobster salad sandwich that he later shared with the group while we all watched Jimmy, the drunkin mess, with delight. (Also see Incidental Participants and Hub's bio posts).
HIGH: Golf at Middleton.
HIGH: Jake Golf balls - trinket.
2002 JAKE #11 (Stubby):
LOW: Rosco killing the Canadian goose on the 2nd hole of the Nicklaus course.
HIGH: Breakfast at Persy's.
2003 JAKE #12 (Chag):
HIGH: Cool Chief paying for everyone's breakfast.
HIGH: Heff finally doin’ some work with Cincinnati.
2004 JAKE #13 (Rosco):
HIGH: Breakfast at Queen Anne's.
HIGH: Golf at Easton CC.
2005 JAKE #14 (Cool Chief & TP):
HIGH: Rosco's faking that Doc was withdrawing the day before Jake Day.
HIGH: Slut at the Crab "Eat your fish"!
HIGH: F1 Racing. LOW: Dee not feeling well after F1 and out for the rest of the day.
LOW: Squirrel - no show.
HIGH: Jake Trophy unveiled for the 1st time ever.
LOW: Not going to the Chapeau.
HIGH: Rosco, TP & Stalkfleet winning scramble.
HIGH: Heff winning F1 Racing.
LOW: Vin Deisel dry-humping that fat guy at Tia's (this may be in the high category if you're Heff).
HIGH: Stubby bringing nips of Old Grand-Dad for us to 'do' at lunch.
2006 JAKE #15 (Lt. Stalkfleet):
HIGH: Cool Chief: (at breakfast) "What do you have for cold cereal?" Waitress Betty: "None".
LOW: Squirrel mixin' it up with Keith K. at the BT Pub & The K-sale & The Chapeau...
HIGH: Keith & Dee winning the scramble.
LOW: Stubby cutting the day short because of his ailing throat.
HIGH: Shots, shots & more shots.
HIGH: Chag bringing the bottle of Old Grand-Dad.
LOW: TP, Tuck, Dee, Hub & Squirrel not showing up for breakfast.
HIGH: Jake beer glass - trinket.
2007 JAKE #16 (Hub):
LOW: The friggin' staff and expecially the starter at Waverly.
HIGH: 100 years at the Chapeau - Beautiful stuff.
HIGH: Mr. Hub doing the cooking at the apre' golf venue.
LOW: Hub, disappearing into the night prior to Heff's birthday shot.
LOW: Squirrel - no show for 2nd time in 3 years.
HIGH: Ashcan joining us all the way from Indiana - solid cat.
HIGH: The scramble ending up in a 3-way tie - trophy hanging in the balance...
HIGH: Chag & Lt. Stalkfleet winning the 3 hole tie breaker for their team (Chag, Dancer, Lt. Stalkfleet & Ashcan).
HIGH: Jake shirt - trinket.
2008 JAKE #17 (Stubby & Heff):
LOW: No Jake – again… Something needs to be done about this.
HIGH: Doc wins the trophy.
HIGH: Dancer’s golfing prowess.
LOW: Golf venue hangs in the balance at 5:40pm the day before (Squirrel Run).
HIGH: Ashcan’s performance and graciousness.
LOW: No beers in a cooler at the softball field.
HIGH: Chag – HOF #1 unnecessary and unexpected.
HIGH: Kings – great place, great atmosphere & a big ass bowling pin.
LOW: Cool Chief Rocker’s unwillingness to put down the only OGD shot all day.
HIGH: Stubby & Hub drop the “we’re expecting” bomb.
LOW: TP whining about the foul ball “homerun”.
LOW: Chapeau not even given a thought – not even a tip of the hat.
2009 Jake 18 (Dancer & Chag):
LOW: Mother Nature is a douche bag (there I said it, now what bitch).
HIGH: Hub’s prowess on the basketball court from beyond the arc.
LOW: Barking Crab not getting us a table we could all sit at in a timely fashion (i.e. inside 1-1/2 hours).
HIGH: Lt. Stalkfleet, fooling virtually no one, save for Doc, by attending all the way from NC.
LOW: Total Package missing breakfast is simply off the charts wrong. An announcement is pending on his official Jake Status.
HIGH: Turtle at the golf course just minding his own business gets swept up in the mayhem that is Jake.
LOW: Rosco’s car doesn’t start causing him to trek back to the friendly confines of the hotel.
HIGH: Drinks at basketball much needed and a good call (the ‘sleeves’ served their purpose)
HIGH: DeeKal sucking down more crawfish than that broad but narrowly misses the crown by only a couple of critters.
LOW: Wiffleball in the rain is not as much fun as you would think.
HIGH: Chag & DeeKal taking the trophy in the blind draw.
LOW: No Chapeau again, maybe it wasn't as good as we thought it was.
HIGH: Ashcan yelling “go back to work” to the DPW driver on Atlantic Ave.
OBSERVATION: If Baggo/Cornhole was invented in the late 80’s we would have had an entirely different ‘in town’ experience.
2010 JAKE 19 (Rosco & Doc):
Good luck gentlemen.
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q1 '09]
Good morning all,
Please give it up for this year's Jake Day planners!
Good ideas, smooth operation, masterful in its simplicity......great day.
Ashcan - you're just catching us out of our "prime years"......
Thanks again,
I could not have been happier with everyone's performance. I am glad we all got a chance to get some fresh air and move around a little. Let's plan on getting together a little more than once a year.
This Summer Solstice thing may be a bad idea.
To the Mt. Hood Golf League folks - how many of us want to play in the rain tonight?
Bob and I arranged for the hotel rooms and I got to sleep on the floor?
People are averse to being handed any type of marketing material.
I woke up out of a dream Friday night that Hubbard was raining 3rd pointers on us in basketball......
Mr. Price was "pre-occupied" at the Crab.
Yard Work could not handle the Blue Hawaiian - he reverted to true pigeon form all night. Although the stuff helped him to shoot free-throws.
Kudos again to Stalkfleet and Ashcan for coming to this prestigious event. Their presence was not taken for granted.
I was Denny Doyle for a moment while trying to hit a wiffleball. (former Red Sox player who frequently lost control of his bat)
TP - no breakfast attendance and then fraudulent claims of having shots? Definitely a demotion in order.....
Hub knows a lot of people who work at Irish bars in Boston.
Wish we had Chag's beer "sleeves" in high school times.....Stalkfleet just might start a business with them.
I wish to thank all of those who attended Jake this year as the planning committee hopes all had a good time despite the conditions. We hope to serve you again at some point in the future.
I have a few comments..
I only talked to about four guys all day long, where the hell was everyone else?
I think I got a rainburn.
My car is still at S-Sation, it doesn't start in the rain. Finally, "wet wires" is the real problem. I'm just glad the paint has set.
Where did Chief and TP go for an hour before lunch? Where did Stubby and Ashcan go for an hour after wiffleball? I only think one of you guys is gay, so it couldn't have been a sexual thing.
I am still uncomfortable with the word "cornhole".
Hub is like Doctor - three hours sleep and he's good for the day.
Peace out.
We had the pleasure of running into your group at the Barking Crab. Thanks for allowing us to share your table and for the fun conversation. Good Times To You and Your Entire Group!
Karen & Brad Cotton
Thanks for being apart of Jake 18 Brad & Karen! The pleasure was ours. You're always welcome at the Jake table should our paths cross again.
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