Dancer Bio:

Name – Dancer (a.k.a. Dancin' Fool, Houda Sludge)
Jake Status – Co-Founder
Weight – 192 uh hum
Status – Married, 2 children (2 girls)
Occupation – Accounting
Golf Handicap – 36
High School Picture
The Dancer
Solid- that’s what the Dancer is. Whether we are talking about his Jake performances, athletic achievement or music trivia, this is a guy who will not let you down. D is a man who despite his working class upbringing foolishly spends his money on the “finer” things in life, from his exotic car, GQ inspired wardrobe, PGA Tour quality golf equipment to his "tre' shiek" hair stylists, Fredrique.
D is the kind of dog you want in a fox hole. Easy going personality makes D the perfect travel partner. I have not heard him complain about choice of bars/restaurants, ever. Very rarely will you hear the Dancer say he has had enough to drink, not to say he is a booze-hound; it’s just that he is always part of the action.
Lets us all remember if it were not for D’s scum-house there would not be a “Jake Day” for the Old Granddad emblem emblazed on his fridge will always be Jake. Many guys may rest on the fact that his abode would provide the inspiration for this great day, but not the Dancer. If you were to clock the hours each Jaker has participated throughout the years D would be at the top. You want to find out what time the last drink buzzed the brain, ask D because he was there. Need to know what was the fourth bar we were at on Jake 7 talk to Dancer. With that being said, Dancer has not performed above and beyond expectations. This is not a shot at him, just stating the fact that D Dog has never made himself the center of attention, good, bad or indifferent. That may change this coming Jake.
GREAT JAKE MOMENT(s): (Jake 1-14) One word - Longevity (1992-2005)
JAKE LOW-LIGHT: Sorry, none to speak of.
Labels: Jake Bios
Great job on the bio Heff.
I would just like to add that it's not a stretch to consider the Dancer the "father of Jake" and he deserves his crops for, if nothing else, signing the lease to live at scum house...
What? He didn't sign anything?!...
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