Thursday, February 22, 2007

Single Handicappers Scramble Poll:

What should we do about single handicappers with regard to the Jake Scramble? (you can vote for multiple choices if you want)

o They should play alone
o Their partner should be required to make more shots (i.e. must use 5 drives from partner)
o They should play from the "tips" and everyone else can play from whites
o They give an agreed upon number of shots to the field
o Leave it the way it is (try to pair people up to make it as fair aspossible)
o Make it an alternate shot tournament instead of a scramble
o They should be required to do (alcoholic) shots on at least 4 tee boxes
o They should be excluded from the competition
o If they win the trophy again - they should give every Jaker $10 each
o Even if I did know the best thing to do, I wouldn't tell you scrubs

To vote, please visit the following web page:
But you have to have been invited to join us at the message site...




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