Wednesday, October 26, 2005

2000 Americans

I think it's good that the Iraqi's came out in large numbers to vote and there was minimal violence. The plan to get us the hell out of there needs to begin to be implemented asap in my opinion. Ramp up the training of the Iraqi's so we can leave. Oh, and the next time we find out someone has plans to do America or American's harm we drop big bombs on them from far away. This bullshit of fighting on the ground with these scumbags and not using our firepower because we don't want to "upset" the muslim community is well, bullshit. Oh and Saddam should have been killed in the spider hole to avoid the carnival that's going to happen with his trial. If the international tribunal does not put this POS (that means Piece Of Shit) to death it will be the biggest joke since jokes were invented... or something.



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