Friday, April 21, 2006

JAKE DAY 2006 and some housekeeping items:

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The date for Jake Day has been set for June 2nd.

You may now begin requesting vacation days, formulating your "call-in-sick" stories, or in the case of Stubby or Heff, continue with your normal business day.

This Sunday is the big 3-club tournament and Team Jake (Heff, Chag, Dancer & Doc) will be looking for strokes from Rosco, Stubby and their 2 ringers.

The trophy will also be given to Rosco on Sunday so he can enjoy it with his family for a short period of time before me and my partner win it on June 2nd. TP, sadly, is going to get shafted out of keeping the trophy for himself unless Rosco finds a way to get it to him prior to Jake Day (this is a long shot at best). Speaking of partners, this will need to be discussed as well. I understand Stalkfleet's co-worker will not be joining us so we have a perfect 12 Jakers which should make for some great competition (as long as Squirrel doesn’t shoot lights out).



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