Rosco Bio:

Jake Status - Founding Member
Weight - 181 lbs.
Status - Married, 2 children (1 boy, 1 girl)
Occupation - State Employee
Golf handicap - 22
High School Picture
Rosco, one of the Founders, is of course a fixture at Jake as well as a regular at the now infamous scum house card games of yore. I'm sure Rooster would agree that it was sports that brought this group of friends together. It didn't matter what sport it was, softball, street hockey, golf, beefball, toss the banana peel into the Fritos bag. At any given moment Rosco could have sports paraphernalia for a minimum of 5 sports in the trunk of his car. An example might be; 1 orange cone, a bald basketball, an empty package of tennis balls, my baseball glove a half eaten Nerf football and perhaps a pair of unmatched cleats. Never enough to have a normal game of any one sport but always enough to make up our own game which we often did.
After he got married Mashie moved to a far off land, closer to where his wife was from. Some might say he sold out and forgot where he came from, his roots, the old neighborhood, the mean streets, the hood, yo. I wouldn't say that's quite accurate because whenever we all try to get together Rosco makes every effort to be there no matter the commute or hardship (unless he's tired). He understands the value and enjoys the therapy that goes along with hanging with the 'philosophers of Jake'.
One particular Jake Day the Rooster found himself standing on the tee holding the business end of a 3 iron. With a mighty swing his ball happened upon a Canadian Goose (who was innocently walking around the course with his/her young family) striking it directly in the neck. He, and the rest of his 4-some, proceeded to watch the poor bird flop around like Joe Pesci just before he got tossed down the hole in the movie Casino. Rosco was so profoundly affected by this, he decided to take the next couple of holes off to recuperate from this very traumatic and gory scene.
With the geography in mind Rooster is not often the last one standing at Jake (see Dancer or Stalkfleet's bio) but he always fully participates in the earlier goings on. Oh, there have been incidents of public drunkenness/urination sprinkled throughout his vocation but nothing that would match his bachelor party which is still very much apart of urban legend around these parts. He was an integral part of a 3 man team that took the Jake trophy in last years scramble but sadly this team will be disbanded in the future for reasons undisclosed but obvious.
GREAT JAKE MOMENT: (Jake 14) Scramble Champion (2005)
JAKE LOW-LIGHT: (Jake 11) Killing a Canadian Goose with nothing but a golf ball ...going 275 mph...(2002)
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