Jake 15 Thoughts by Rosco:

{{{{{{...... Submitted by Rosco ......}}}}}}
If this is any indication on how future Jake Days are going to be ... I'm out!
38 Years of trying to score chicks and Chief figures out the golden secret on Jake 15... 15 years too late.
How the hell are we going to fit Dee's name on that trophy?
I had 8 shots to the best of my recollection. 3 grape crush's, 3 Washington apples, 1 tequila and a Grand-Dad.
Ciderjacks have way more alcohol than beer.
The music was too loud but Dancer and I can dance our asses off to this new kind of music. When I say new, I mean new to me - I am sure you guys have been aware of it for the last five years.
That's about all I remember except that TP has great hair. I called a lot of people gay and there were two hot girls at Henny's that as I think back, may not have been that hot.
Smart Jake members:
Stubby, Doc, JV, Keith K.
Not so smart members:
Chief, Dancer, Heff, TP, Stalkfleet, Dee, Tuck, Hub.
Absolute Idiot members:
Me (Rosco).
Squirrel- for ordering 8 rounds of shots.
Chag- for bringing the Old Grand-Dad.
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q2 '06]
A few comments if you will.
I think team 1 will run away with the trophy. Team 3 has an outside shot.
I think anyone golfing on Jake Day should be competing for the trophy.
Chocolate is real good.
Has anyone thought about anything else since last week when Chag said and I quote "Steph is getting a full body oil message from her hot female cousin"? Yeah, me neither.
In the Globe South section last Sunday there is a coupon on page seven for one free golf round per foursome at Atlantic. They are valid on Jake Day. I have one, we need three more.
I just don't like Dr. Pepper. I've tried but it just ain't happening.
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