Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dancer’s – Jake 2007 Thoughts:

{{{{{{...... From Dancer ......}}}}}}

HIGH: Ashcan’s golf game (aside from longest drive)
LOW: No original Jake appearance
HIGH: Free beer
HIGH: The Hub family
HIGH/LOW: More WGA trickery
HIGH: The Eating Establishment waitress picking Dee’s shirt as the worst
HIGH: Lt. Stalkfleet – the eternal night-owl – the man should have moved to NY
LOW: “We’ll meet you @ the R--snake.”
HIGH/LOW: First Founding Father turning 40.
HIGH: Double D joining us for the day
HIGH: Another Jake Day in the books – with hopefully many more to come!

Stray comments:
1) JV was doing everything he could to avoid that Old Grand-dad shot.
2) Mashie really loves to antagonize, doesn’t he?
3) The atmosphere @ Irish bar was lifeless, although next door I heard was interesting.
4) I think I saw ACM flirting with a beast @ Henny’s
5) The atmosphere at the Chapeau was electric – good stuff
6) Chag’s interim golf scores @ the BBQ made for great theatre



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