Stubby’s – Jake 2007 Thoughts:
Mr Hub grillin'... Huge
Cool Chief winning long drive... Huge
Dave D. - ... Nuff said
Waitress at Eating Establishment... I wish she was at Henny's later in the night so I had someone to talk to.
Red “Fezz” should now be called Red Ass due to ever present homosexual activity. And I don’t mean just Dee and Chief.
How can we call it a Jake day when Jake was not even present??? Weak
Waverly personnel... Weak
Seeing everyone half asleep at 9:30 at the back of that awful, awful bar on the Hill... Weak
Rosco thinking he won the trophy... Weak
Stubby building up Jake Day to Ashcan as one of the best days ever... Weak
Sitting in 2 hours of traffic to go 4 miles on the highway... Weak
Next year let's do something interesting - Something suitable for Jakers our age. Let's throw a couple of dollars and do something nice. I think we can skip the shots and the bars that cater to 20 year olds. We are past that and deserve better. I can do without the golf. Cool activity, good meal and good conversation is where Jake should be at.
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q3 '07]
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