Doc Bio:

Jake Status - Founding Member
Weight - 165 lbs. real wet
Status - Married, 2 children (1 boy, 1 girl)
Occupation - Contracting / Remodeling
Golf handicap - 19
High School Picture
The Doctor is the out-doorsman of the group. In his spare time (before the recent birth of his son) he competed in triathalons. That's running, swimming & biking all in the same event so suffice to say ol' Doc is/was in the appropriate shape to do this kind of thing. Never much appealed to me to do those 3 things all in a row, unless of course someone's chasing you - but I digress. Doc wasn't afraid to throw back a few exotic drinks in his younger days. I can think of a couple of "incidents" that I won't go into detail about. These days he's mellowed and enjoys a good micro-brew now an again so he can't be all that bad. He's an above average hockey player (relative to the rest of us) as is his wife who dabbled in Olympic hockey not so long ago. The real question is can they keep up the pace of the triathalon running family with the bambino or are the times a-changin'? Doc has missed at least one Jake Day due to living out-of-state (not that this should be an excuse). How did he escape some kind of probation for that?? Anyway, the picture above is during the now famous Jake 1. A nice touch is the photo copy of Jake in the salad bar.
GREAT JAKE MOMENT: Consistant contribition through the years.
JAKE LOW-LIGHT: (Jake 11) Swore he would show, up until the day before Jake and bailed. (2002)
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