What up y’all,
I’d like to announce that we will soon be launching another (and final) Jake site. This will be set up over at Yahoo Groups.
It’s a good spot to trash talk / send messages to each other. There is also an area to put up links to our other sites, photos, files and a calendar as well. This is not meant to take the place of the larger photo site which houses all the Jake photos in existence to date.
The thing I like about Yahoo is that most people already have a Yahoo screen name so you don’t have to create another one to message on the site. If you don’t have a screen name yet it’s easy to sign up and get one.
This will be a closed site so anyone not invited will not be able to access it.
You will be receiving an e-mail invite to join the group in the near future.When you get that please sign up and throw a message on the board to let us know you got there.
After you’re a member it’s easy to get back to the group.
(Once you’ve signed in using your Yahoo screen name…) On the yahoo.com home page just click ‘Groups’ and you’ll see the jakeday group there.
If anyone has problems please let me know.
Peace out, yo.
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q4 '06]