Thursday, January 24, 2008

Caption Contest:

Thoughtful Lance. Mirthful Lance. Two sides of a delightful coin.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Jake 16 Trinket:

This past year Hub hooked us up with the shirt depicted here…
“Jake Solstice 2007” is the front...

and the ever-popular “Enough said…Shut Up & Step Up!” on the back.

This shirt is near and dear to my heart because I was wearing it when Lt. Stalkfleet & I won the trophy for our team the a 3 hole playoff.

5 months till Jake 17 boys - get your competitive juices flowing.


Monday, January 14, 2008


Here we go - it's The Squirrel back in the day...
By the way so far his 1st prediction stands. Pats are now 17-0 and poised to thrash the Chargers next weekend to lock up an invite to their 4th Superbowl in this decade.

For the record I don't think that quote was his "official" quote - his real one was much too profane to print on this forum.


Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Poem For Winter:

I send this poem every winter & every winter I love re-reading it.

It's a beautiful poem and very well written.

Thought it might be a comfort to you.

It was to me.



It's cold!

The End

(this is courtesy of Rosco who sent it via e-mail recently)
