Friday, November 25, 2005

Things we now know since Wednesday 11/23/05:

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is always a night for some of the Jake Boys to get together. Those in attendance; Hub, Cool Chief, Doc, Chag, Rosco, Stubbs, Dancer & Lt. Stalkfleet (who came late). We went to various establishments and a fun time was had by all.

Here are some things we now know because of that night:

10. Squirrel's whereabouts are unknown at present - last report, he was jumping in his car and driving away. He's not sure of the desination or what he'll do when he gets there, but he's got a few "ideas".
9. Hub knows a shit-load about wine.
8. Since having a child, Doc has mellowed out (might have something to do with lack of sleep).
7. Jessica Simpson is one hot dame.
6. Calivn Coolage was from Vermont not New Hampshire (that was one hell of a guess though).
5. Rosco, Stubby, Doc & Chief don't "do" cigar bars.
4. Heff missed a good time (too bad he was golfing in Florida - the bastard).
3. If you want a good dessert you may have to wait 25 minutes for it.
2. Hub does "do" cigar bars but when Stubby is his ride he "doesn't".
1. Turkey is not just for Thanksgiving - it's a place where angels come from.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Cool Chief Bio:

Name - Cool Chief Rocker (a.k.a. Cool Chief, Chiefy or just plain Chief)
Jake Status - Associate Member
Weight - 195 lbs.
Status - Married, 2 kids (girl & boy)
Occupation - Good one (not sure what he does though)
Golf handicap - 32
High School Picture

Chiefy is often times ribbed about the amount of money he makes in a calendar year. He has to re-pave his driveway every 6 months because the brinks truck wears it out backing up to the house on Friday afternoons. Back in the day - when we all used to go clubbing downtown he had an unusual dancing method. You all might refer to it as beating the hell out of anyone that's within 3 feet of you. I'm talkin' elbows a-flyin', yo. He met his wife on our first trip to Montreal. We drove up in my Dad's van with a few cases of beer, a bean bag and a dream. Chief did not show on Jake 1 and has been hearing about it ever since.

{{{{{{......4/10/06 Heff’s addendum of Cool Chief’s bio......}}}}}}

Where do we begin with this “Titan of Technology”? The Cool Chief Rocker is a walking contradiction; when sporting the Brooks Brother’s pinstripes he is hard charging, aggressive and relentless, yet when he is able to schedule a pocket of time to hang with his peeps CC is a very easy going, likable gent who loves to laugh. The famous big wide grin of the Cool Chief Rocker is usually brought on by reminiscing about the “good old days” like when he and Rosco “chewed and screwed” or the time he and D partied with those nice gents from the “all boys town”. Through his business success The Chief has made a boat load of money but he has been saddled with the reputation that he is unwilling to spend it. Not true, we all remember the time bought a round of beers, oh wait that was Hub.

Give Chief credit, every time you see him on Jake Day he has had a beer in his hand…the problem is that it’s the same beer for all 12 hours. In the early years CC had been vital cog in the creation of Jake Day, whether it was his dominating win in the Chug contest of Jake 7, or his late night performance on the dance floor at Polyesters. Times have changed! The man who had done so much in the early years has become a shadow if his once great self. This is a man who has not caught a buzz on a Jake Day in over six years. What makes this so sad is that Cool Chief Rocker is a guy who could make every Jake Day an event to remember if he were to “unsnap the bra”.

{{{{{{{{........end Heff’s addendum of Cool Chief’s bio........}}}}}}}}

GREAT JAKE MOMENT: (Jake 12) Cool Chief pays for everyone's breakfast (2003).

JAKE LOW-LIGHT: (Jake 2 or 3) Falls over drunk {at the aforementioned Polyester’s} as Heff & Dancer look on (1993 or 1994).


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sports Interlude

Terrell Owens is an asshole and I hope he never plays another game in the NFL. If you want respect you need to have some class first. Moving on...

I love the rule changes and I think it makes the games even more watchable this year. Crosby's the real deal and this cat Ovechkin on the Capitals is no slouch his-own-self.

A-Rod won the MVP. Just wondering does he have a ring yet? Oh - sorry.

I was going write some things about basketball in this space but um..., I don't think I will.


Monday, November 07, 2005

Coming soon...

...a short bio of all the Jake members (founders, partners, associates & juniors). This will be done over an extended period of time and hopefully written by not just me.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Boat Ride:

There were only a small handful of pictures taken on Jake 1 - which makes it all the more mystical as it fades from our memories. Here are 5 of the 9 founding members on this most historic of all Jake's. In addition to breakfast and golf we took a little boat ride. Traditionalist believe it was better when only the planner/coordinator knew the day's itinarary for Jake, leaving everyone else in the dark. This was certainly the case for our maiden adventure. In the picture starting at left we have Dancer, showing his displeasure with the papa-razzi being on board, Heff (not sure what he's doing but his hand is on my hip), Lt. Stalkfleet who seems to be checking out my huge package, then there's me and finally Doc. We were, doubtless, hiding our true identities behind those GIANT Vuarnet sunglasses which were all the rage years and years ago.
