Sunday, July 29, 2007

2007 Jake Scramble Results:

After the absoulte drama of our 3-way tie on Jake Day it has now been decided who the trophy goes to.

On 7/25/07 we had a 2 man scramble, 3 hole playoff to decide the winner. Here are your results and scores.

The Past Champions link has been updated as well as the Tale of the Trophy link. I'd first like to thank my Lord and Savoir...

After it's engraved, the trophy will be doing some traveling this year - N.Cal, Indiana & home of course. Champions "pictures with the trophy" are mandatory.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Stubby’s – Jake 2007 Thoughts:

{{{{{{...... From Stubby ......}}}}}}
Mr Hub grillin'... Huge

Cool Chief winning long drive... Huge

Dave D. - ... Nuff said

Waitress at Eating Establishment... I wish she was at Henny's later in the night so I had someone to talk to.

Red “Fezz” should now be called Red Ass due to ever present homosexual activity. And I don’t mean just Dee and Chief.

How can we call it a Jake day when Jake was not even present??? Weak

Waverly personnel... Weak

Seeing everyone half asleep at 9:30 at the back of that awful, awful bar on the Hill... Weak

Rosco thinking he won the trophy... Weak

Stubby building up Jake Day to Ashcan as one of the best days ever... Weak

Sitting in 2 hours of traffic to go 4 miles on the highway... Weak

Next year let's do something interesting - Something suitable for Jakers our age. Let's throw a couple of dollars and do something nice. I think we can skip the shots and the bars that cater to 20 year olds. We are past that and deserve better. I can do without the golf. Cool activity, good meal and good conversation is where Jake should be at.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dancer’s – Jake 2007 Thoughts:

{{{{{{...... From Dancer ......}}}}}}

HIGH: Ashcan’s golf game (aside from longest drive)
LOW: No original Jake appearance
HIGH: Free beer
HIGH: The Hub family
HIGH/LOW: More WGA trickery
HIGH: The Eating Establishment waitress picking Dee’s shirt as the worst
HIGH: Lt. Stalkfleet – the eternal night-owl – the man should have moved to NY
LOW: “We’ll meet you @ the R--snake.”
HIGH/LOW: First Founding Father turning 40.
HIGH: Double D joining us for the day
HIGH: Another Jake Day in the books – with hopefully many more to come!

Stray comments:
1) JV was doing everything he could to avoid that Old Grand-dad shot.
2) Mashie really loves to antagonize, doesn’t he?
3) The atmosphere @ Irish bar was lifeless, although next door I heard was interesting.
4) I think I saw ACM flirting with a beast @ Henny’s
5) The atmosphere at the Chapeau was electric – good stuff
6) Chag’s interim golf scores @ the BBQ made for great theatre


Monday, July 23, 2007

Heff’s – Jake 2007 Thoughts:

{{{{..... From Heff .....}}}}

The high for me was Rosco being so drunk he thought he won the Jake trophy.

Do you guys remember back in the day when the girls that worked for beer companies were good looking? With that being said, yes I would have.

Why isn’t Dave D. involved in every Jake day? He brinks everything we look for in a Jake Day member.

Although I am only one vote I am not sure if JV will make the cut next year. No breakfast, completely disregarding every “no carts” sign, late arrival to the “Chapeau” and early departure from “Henny’s”.

Is the TP regressing as a Jake Member? A poor performance last year, starting with skipping breakfast, this year’s late arrival to breakfast and a focus on work rather than Jake Day during golf. Maybe full membership has gone to his head?
Jake 17 fast approaching.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Rosco’s - Jake 2007 Thoughts:

{{{{...... From Rosco ......}}}}

My high and low lights. Some are high and low combined. Just out of curiosity, did anyone find any beads in their clothing?

High and Low:
Bobby beating Vecc in a beer chug- twice.
Hub putting together a nice Jake Day but then leaving before 6pm or was it 5pm?

Joe from Indiana.
Lt. from the deep south.
Hub's dad putting on the spread.
Me, Doc, Dee and TP winning the Jake trophy.
A solid Dave D. appearance.
Vecc's long drive.
Doc's note. Classic.
Stubby's socks.

Stubby's socks.
Joe's Wallet.
Improper - Magazine.
The Chapeau becoming a not so straight bar.

TP's blackberry. He's lucky we won the trophy anyway because we could have won it easily had he put the blueberry away for an hour.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Chag's - Jake 2007 Thoughts:

My list of HIGH'S & LOW'S:

LOW: The friggin' staff and especially the starter at Waverly
HIGH: 100 years at the Hat - Beautiful...
HIGH: Mr. Hub – the elder - doing the cooking at the apre' golf venue
LOW: Hub, disappearing into the night prior to Heff's birthday shot
LOW: Squirrel - no show for 2nd time in 3 years
HIGH: Joe Ashcan joining us all the way from Indiana - solid cat
HIGH: The scramble ending up in a 3-way tie - trophy hanging in the balance...
LOW ~ HIGH: Starter saying we had to pay for another round because we didn’t cancel it in time ~ Heff stepping up to pay for it.

By the way we are scheudling the PLAYOFF FOR THE TROPHY - Wednesday the 25th - 5pm. This is for all the marbles (that means the trophy).

The teams are as follows:
#1 Heffer & Cool Chief
#2 Chag & Lt. Stalkfleet
#3 Doc & Rosco

Those who win will win it for the original 4 man team from Jake Day and they will have their names on the trophy when all is said and done.

Please view my game face above...


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Jake '07 Pictures

The pictures are up at the picture site. You do, however, need a password to enter the picture site. If you don't know what it is, e-mail me privately and I will hook you up.

"Jake 2007 Thoughts" (from a number of participants) are coming shortly. Check the blog approximately once a week for updates.

Hope all Jakers had a wonderful 4th of July.
