Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Annie Doc:

A big happy birthday wish goes out to Lil'Annie (Doc's #2)!

If you don't remember the day she was born, I'm sure Doc can fill you
in on some of the details...


Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm in charge here:

He'll be taking control of heaven any time now.


Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, a four-star general who served as a top adviser to three presidents and had presidential ambitions of his own, died Saturday of complications from an infection, his family said. He was 85.

Haig's long and decorated military career launched the Washington career for which he is better known, including top posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations. He never lived down his televised response to the 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan.

Hours after the shooting, then Secretary of State Haig went before the cameras intending, he said later, to reassure Americans that the White House was functioning.

"As of now, I am in control here in the White House, pending the return of the vice president," Haig said.


Al Haig... Out the house.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Deja Brew:

Made my own beer Saturday with my brother-in-law at a place called
Deja Brew.

Pretty cool process. Pick your type and flavor etc. they give you the
recipe you get all the ingredients, measure it out, grind up the grain
and put it all in a big brewing kettle. Kind of like steeping a tea
bag in a big cup of tea. While you're brewing you can sample as many
beers as you like.

We go back in 2 weeks to bottle it after fermentation. $160 gets you
72, 22 ounce bottles. That's like $2.23 per bottle. Not bad when you
consider the Chimay in the picture above cost me $11.99 and the
homemade stuff tastes as good if not better than that.

I went halfs with the brother-in-law so I've got 36 beauties coming my way.
All I need are some cool glasses and labels. Can you say Jake favors?
I'm not sure they'll last until June but we'll see.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shouldn't you buy me dinner first or something?:


I am different today than I was yesterday. Something happened to me today that changed me in a profound way (and for the rest of my life).


Oh yes we all had a good laugh when Rosco told the tale about his visit to the doctor's office back in the spring of 2008. Since his writing I'd have a passing thought here or there that someday I too would be subjected to those same events.


Well gents, that day was today.


Checked BP, listened to breathing, checked pulse, palpate stomach… "Okay buddy it's fun time!"


Here we go.

Moon river… wider than a mile… I'm crossin' you in style…


I never undserstood the button fly jeans thing:

I really never understood the appeal of button fly jeans. I think using buttons rather than a zipper is like using chop sticks rather than a fork; why add more work for yourself?

Written by,

Yard Work


Monday, February 08, 2010

Jake XIX:

After much discussion, Doc and I have decided to schedule Jake XIX for the third Friday in August. We believe this will increase the chance of better weather and piss some of you guys off. Just kidding!

Jake XIX will be on Friday June 25, 2010. This day works best for Stalkfleet and Hub and that was good enough for me and Doc.

Please reserve the day off at your respective companies. If your boss has an issue, please give him or her my phone number. I will be happy to explain the situation and I will also invite them to attend.

137 days and counting.

Peace out.

Written by,
:::::::::::::: Mashie Nibblets a.k.a. Rosco ::::::::::::::::::


Sunday, February 07, 2010

Try As You Might:

...but you will be hard presses to find a photo more classic than this
one. This was taken at the Scum House during on of the now famous
parties. The drapes, the hair, the fashion... It's poetry really.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Stubby Like It's 1999:

Stubby Malone ladies and gentlemen at Jake #8 in the year of our Lord
nineteen hundred and ninety nine. I wanna say that's the 10th hole at
Hillview but it's just a guess.

That was over 10 years ago boys... WTF!
