Thursday, January 25, 2007

What happens when you:

1) have nothing to do

2) own a sharp knife

3) have a large lime

4) own a patient cat

5) drink too much tequila and/or Carona

6) and it's football season?


Friday, January 19, 2007

This Bud's for You:

Let's all raise a glass to this year's coordinators! It's a difficult, at times thankless job and anyone who's done it is glad when it's over but one thing's for sure, when all is said and done we really don't want to do it any... uh more...

Hrmph - I was trying to get to a point there but I must have misplaced it.

Anyway Good Luck Hub & Squirrel - y'all have 5 short months!


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jake 14 picture:

Here's another group photo from Jake 14 (2005).

A motley crew to be sure.

At left and kneeling we have Stubby, behind him Rosco, Heff, JV as in Junior Varsity, Dancer (in front), Cool Chief (Joe Torre look-a-like), Lt. Stalkfleet, TP, Chag-dogg, Doc & finally Hub.

JV hasn't had much play here on the site. We're all wondering if he's gunning for Jake membership or is he content just being an incidental. Time will tell.

Did you know a single picture of all Jakers does not exist?


Friday, January 05, 2007

Like it never happened...

Why is getting rid of old computer equipment like disposing of a dead body? Seriously, I've had an old monitor in my garage for over a year and my bride inquired as to how long it would be - you know "with us"...

I had to take the thing completely apart plastic goes in one trash box, small electronics goes in another. I had to put the big glass monitor in a separate box with styrofoam, crumpled up papers and packing peanuts. All boxes were sealed and put out for Mr. Trash Guy.

Back upstairs I say to the Chag-stress "It's all set."

Chag-stress: "what's all set?"
Chag: "the monitor - it won't give us any trouble any longer."
Chag-stress: "what do you mean?"
Chag: "I took care of it - that's all - now stop asking questions..."
