Monday, March 29, 2010

Going to Europe with Ralph and Earl in a Buick:

Couple of updates for y'all.

Chag's oldest Courtney made a modest deposit last night (5:45 pm).

Just so happenend that-
Dancer's youngest also saw her breakfast twice only an hour ago.

If anyone has any more updates please let me know.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Jake Hockey:

This is what I'm talking about.

Who's up for an all Jake skate sometime at Heff bro's place?

Dust 'em off and let's git'er done!

(how 'bout my hair by the way - nice...)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

She's a-done!

After hockey today I had some time to kill so I ended up taking the trophy to get it engraved.

Stalkfleet - 2 time champion
Chag - 2 time champion
Dee - 2 time champion
Rosco - 1 time champion
Dancer - 1 time champion
Doc - 1 time champion
TP - 1 time champion
Keith K. - 1 time champion
Ashcan - 1 time champion

The rest of the pack... zero.
(By the way that's Little Nutbrown Hare in the back on the left...)


Trophy & Box:

Last year I found and modified the box you see here in order to transport and protect the trophy. As we all know this bad Larry was won by myself and Deekal. We had individual events last year and at the end there was a blind draw for partners. Since we won it there has been no celebration or merriment of any kind. It just sits in this box my bedroom. It needs to be engraved sometime soon but it's just not on the top of my 'gotta do list' at this point.

Rosco & Doc are running Jake XIX this year. I wonder what they have in store for us in the way of competition.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Jake Line:

Chag, Dancer & Heff had the amazing good fortune to play hockey at Harvard University last night in front of +/- 11 fans...

We played for team Canada as you can see but unlike the olympics we could not keep the lead and lost the game by a score of 5-3.

Heff had a great goal over the goalie's left shoulder in tight.

It's a night I will never forget...

"Gentlemen. It has been a privilege playing with you tonight."

Wallace Hartley
Titantic (1997)


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Card Game

First card game in a very long time tomorrow night over at the Heff's

It's an all Jake cast. Those in attendance will be Doc, Cool Chief,
Rosco, Dancer, Chagnasty and our most gracious host Old Yard Work
himself. Should be some fun.

Can anyone tell me where this place is (in the picture)?


Monday, March 08, 2010

Designs for Jake Merchandise:

These are the 2 designs we currently have for sale at the JAKE STORE. If anyone has ideas for any other designs etc. please let me know and we'll try to incorporate it. Keep in mind however we can't have 2 of the same items with different designs (i.e. you can't offer the same golf shirt with 2 types of logos). As you can see 'Jake' below is our primary logo so that's why most of the stuff has him on it. If, however, you want the golf shirt (or anything else) with the other logo on it let me know and I can modify it temporarily so you can place your order.


Friday, March 05, 2010

The only big shot the Chief will ever see:

2 Jakers and 1 incidental participant recently went to Vegas and rode the Statosphere which I think might be the world's highest thrill ride.

Depicted here we have Heff (a.k.a Yard Work), some cat I don't know, Cool Chief Rocker & finally Johnny Good Guy (the IP).

Heff & Chief look like they're going to die and JGG looks like he's getting a hummer.


Monday, March 01, 2010


Ladies & Gentlemen,
Introducing the most exciting news since I don't know what...

If you've ever been looking for the perfect gift for that Jaker in your life - search no more my friends.

The Jake Store is your place to shop.

The golf shirts are a must have in my opinion. More designs will be available as they are created.

"THE JAKE STORE" link has been added to the right hand column under "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW" section.

If anyone has questions please let me know.
