Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ready-ing the shot glasses:

Oh boy...

A new one will be taken tomorrow:

Here's the group photo from last year minus the cats who left early. Let's hope we get everyone in it this year...

Monday, June 16, 2014

Memories from last year:

Hub's Dets on Jake Day #23:

It is almost here!  Grip it and Rip it Boy's.
Past Traditions and new Frontiers.
No glass ceilings in this Jake, time to bring it! JAKE DAY #23   No Rules... Just Attitude.  (NO NAPS HEFFER)
Kick off - 8:15am Brothers Kouzina located on Rt 1 North Peabody (just after Bertucci's) GOLF - Middleton Golf Course 10am Executive Course.
HAPPY HOUR & PUB Crawl - Portsmouth New Hampshire

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bizzaro World:

Here's a picture of Rosco & Stubby at the Bizzaro Journey/Steve Miller concert. "Sorry we've already got a George"...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Impromtu Jam Session

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Get Ready:

Jake #23 is coming... 6/20/14