Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mr. Whipple - Out The House

Mr. Whipple has squeezed his last package of Charmin. He's been flushed to a better place my brothers...


Friday, November 16, 2007

1st Card Game:

It took a while but this evening, Heff's finally hosting his first card game at the new estate.

Hell yes.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007


The best quote of 1986 comes to you from one Stubby Malone. Pretty impressive list of accomplishments as well. He doesn't really have pointy ears like that, however, it's merely an optical illusion.

Who should be next?


Friday, November 02, 2007


That right it's getting close to that time again. When the Jake boys get together for our annual "Night Before Thanksgiving Extravaganza".

After last year's night there was this.

The year before we had this.

Anyway, I hope everyone is available this year and we'll have to chat with Dancer with regard to trade, meeting place, schedule etc.

Heff! Don't go to FLA this year you dog!

By the way there's a little issue of "who is running Jake 17?" that needs to be discussed and that's as good a night as any to start the madness.
