Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Relax * Reflect * Celebrate

It does not get better than Jake Day Ale.

Hey Jake XIX is less than 2 months away.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010



All Jake Day ideas are welcome. Doesn't mean we'll do it but any suggestions will be taken under serious consideration.

We may be asking for a $50 down payment to defray the cost. Just a thought right now.


Rosco & Doc


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cool Chief's Surprise:

Here we have Heff 'chillin like a villan' as he might say on Chiefy's
newest aquisition.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Live blogging from the New Jersey Turnpike...

...and more exciting it does not get. Long weekend down in Virginia
hope everyone has a great Patriots Day weekend.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Here we have Hub and The Wolfman at the Winter Classic. He's "4th
ticket" after Hub, Dancer and myself. He doesn't look like he's shit-
faced here but... Uh well wait, I guess he kind of does huh?

Pulls out a fifth of Jameson and asks me "do you wanna blast?" um no


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Drunkards Welcome:

So I was parked in front of this house today and noticed the yard
ornament. I thought to myself what the hell is this? When is this
ever really a good idea??

Needless to say I could not come up with one set of circumstances
where I'm walking out of Home Depot with this friggin thing.

So basically if you have one of these what's the message? If you're a
drunken fool just hanging around loitering, your drunk ass is more
than welcome here.


Thursday, April 01, 2010


I've nothing more to say... I just thought this was a pretty cool
bottle of wine.
