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Monday, November 21, 2011
Pre-Thanksgiving Jake Dinner 2011:
Well it’s that time of year again. Time for our annual Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving Dinner & Social Extravaganza.
We will be in the North End as has become the tradition on this night. Let’s take a little time to relax, reflect and celebrate as we kick off the holiday season.
Speaking of reflecting, here are some posts from Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner’s past… 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
I've started my (albeit small) philanthropic endeavors.
Courtney and I had lunch today at Papa Gino's. While we were waiting at our table we noticed an elderly couple coming in. The husband helping his wife who was ever so slowly making her way to an available seat, walker in hand. Once she was safely in her seat, the husband went up to place their order. As he was doing so, I made my way to the counter to check on our food which was kind of late (bastards). While I was there I overheard what he ordered. After hearing what it cost he wanted to make sure the senior discount was in play and the girl at the register assured him that it was. His total was $6.31 and he payed with cash from his pocket (exact change).
We all ate at roughly the same time, them sitting across from us not far away. After we finished I went over, laid a $10 on their table and said "excuse me folks would you mind, I'd like to pay for your lunch today". You can imagine their surprise and their genuine appreciation. If I was thinking I would have said 'don't thank me, thank Jake' but I'm not good at thinking on my feet.
I have to say it felt really good and I challenge all of you to do the same or similar if the opportunity presents itself. We are all very lucky to be where we are in this life boys. Such a small gesture but you get back so much more in return.
Hub, thanks for reminding us all of that.
Happy Thanksgiving &
Long Live Jake ---Chag
From: Hub
To: Jakers
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 5:29:14 PM Subject: FW: It's Time to Spread Holiday Cheer!
Fellow Jakers'----
I still like the idea of tying Jake into some charity benefit (IT MIGHT HELP WITH GETTING THE PASS FROM THE WIVES) and then rolling into another fun & exciting evening. With that in mind I propose something like this - Saturday, December 10th or in the Spring; Habitat for Humanity build a house for a day or both…. Any interest/ thoughts???????
From: Harpoon Helps [] Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 4:38 PM To: Hub
Subject: It's Time to Spread Holiday Cheer!
It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we last Spread Holiday Cheer! Thank you for joining us last year to decorate your local homeless shelters, play spaces, and community centers. Together with you, our fellow beer-loving volunteers, we decorated 40 homeless shelters and community organizations with holiday cheer throughout New England and beyond.
This year, we are looking for your help to decorate even MORE locations! We have 45 locations we'd like to visit and make a little brighter this holiday season. Decorating in Boston and Providence, RI will take place on Saturday, December 3rd. Decorating in areas outside of Boston will take place on Saturday, December 10th.
This blog is a celebration of friendship with some other shit mixed in. A - who we were, what we did and who we are, what we do - kind of thing. There are more than a few inside jokes herein but perhaps you will find it entertaining getting to know Jake (the sum and the parts). Or, then again maybe you will not - in which case you can just piss off.