JAKE DAY - an eternal state of mind
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
I haven't puked since...
This post will detail the last time any of us (or our wives) blow's chunks (you know gets bit by good ol' count barf-ula?). This link will be included in the "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW" Category at the top right of the home page - listed as VOMIT STREAKS. Please let me know via e-mail if/when there is any activity on this topic. There will be an asterisk (*) added when it happens as a direct result of alcohol. 2 asterisks (**) as a direct result of Jake Day. These stats/participants will be changed/added as more information becomes available.
Stubby - 1/14/06
Stubb-stress - 1/26/06
Chag - 1/2/10
Chag-stress - 1/10/06
Lil' Chagger - 8/12/07
Wee Lil' Chagger - 8/11/07
Mashie - unknown (could be as much as 6-7 years ago)
Mash-stress - 6/2/05
Dee - 12/24/04*
Dancer - 7/14/09 (11:57pm)
Dance-stress - unknown
Lil'Dancer #1 - 11/29/06
Lil'Dancer #2 - 11/22/06
Hub - 7/11/09 (1:05am)*
Hub-stress - unknown
Lil'Hubber #1 - unknown
Lil'Hubber #2 - 2/25/08
Heff - 6/11/09 (2:50am)
Labels: Vomit
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hood vs. Heartland
Happy to see the Mets lost in the NLCS. Moving on...
This year's World Series: Detroit vs. St. Louis
I find myself unable to watch an entire game even though it's good baseball to watch. It's on too late and these days I need all the sleep I can get.
I thought I would have more to expound upon here but uh... I got nothin'.
Labels: Sports
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Because I don't have much else to say...

The picture was taken outside the hallowed Chapeau. I like this picture because the quality is not that great. Gives it that rustic “hey we’re not trying to be perfect, we're just a bunch of goofy cats gettin' through it” type of flair.
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q4 '06]
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
You're all Special!
From: Rosco
To: The Jake Boys
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:21:08 +0000
Subject: To all of you!...... you're all special!
>>>>Today is…
>>>>International Disadvantaged People's Day.
>>>>Please send an encouraging message to a retarded friend, just as
>>>>I've done.
>>>>I don't care if you lick windows, interfere with farm animals, or
>>>>occasionally shit yourself.......
>>>>You hang in there, Sunshine.
>>>>You're fucking special!
Jeez, that was nice of him to think of all of us...
The only thing missing is Mel Torme singing "The Whole World Smiles With You"
Labels: Humor
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Incidental Participants:

Suffice to say that for each IP there is a story that goes with. For the most colorful story please see Hub's bio with regard to Jimmy PC.
(Can someone tell me why we didn't take any pictures of him?)
Here is as complete a list as we can give at this point (memories are a bit fuzzy as you might expect):
Pat S. (depicted above)
Kevin Fals
Dave Devereaux (depicted above)
John Good Guy
Keith Knox
"Jimmy PC"
"Carlo" (depicted above)
Jeff Oliver
Dave Russo (depicted above)
"Joe" the pick up driver (depicted above)
Dave Tucker (depicted above)
Joe Ashcan
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q4 '06]
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The littlest Hub!
Congratulations go out to Hub and his wife on the birth of their 2nd daughter!
The lil'est Hub was born yesterday (8 lbs. 19 1/2 oz.).
Hub joins Dancer and myself in the '2 daughters club'. As we well know (and Hub will soon find out), there is a special place in heaven for the man with 2 daughters.
Here's hoping mother & baby are all fine.
Raising a glass for you bro!
Labels: Jakers/Jake Related [Q4 '06]
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Quick Ramble:
Can someone tell me when birthday parties started costing $300.00+? Seriously, I want to know the answer to this. It's cake & ice cream people, WTF?
Pillow covers slay me. Talk about unnecessary...
Today is a Texas holiday - Stevie Ray Vaughan's Birthday (try to play the guitar like him if you can).
20th high school reunion for Me, Stubby, Doc & Rosco. None of us went to it but I thought it was worthy of note. Keep your eyes peeled for some high school pictures hitting the jakersdelight blog soon. Good stuff.
Labels: Misc.