This is a walk through Jake history and it will be updated on a continual basis through the years. It will detail the Highs & Lows of each Jake. Anyone is welcome to author an add to this post - simply let me know privately and I'll put it up here. I've put a link on the right hand column called 'JAKE HIGHLIGHTS/LOWLIGHTS' under the 'ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW' heading.
1992 JAKE #1 (Dancer):HIGH: Squirrel
matching up the Old Grand-Dad label with Jake himself @ D-side.
HIGH: Breakfast at Howard Johnson's.
HIGH: Golf at Sag -
picture on 9th green.HIGH:
Boat ride.HIGH:
Ticket from Sag.1993 JAKE #2 (no idea):HIGH: A bunch of us getting paid to leave Tia's.
HIGH: Heff dropping a glass and Chief falling over at Durgin.
HIGH: Golf at Uni.
1994 JAKE #3 (no idea):HIGH: Breakfast at Denny's.
HIGH: Stalkfleet sleeping on the cement park bench.
HIGH: A bunch of us sitting people at the K-sale.
Golf at Uni.1995 JAKE #4 (no idea):HIGH: Cheeseburger & shrimp incident.
HIGH: Heff tossing the guy's tie in the water at the Loft.
1996 JAKE #5 (no idea):HIGH: Golf at New Meadows.
Birth of the "crusty bench"1997 JAKE #6 (no idea):HIGH: Golf at H-view.
HIGH: TP's first Jake showing.
1998 JAKE #7 (Doc):HIGH: Golf at T-brook (breakfast at the course).
Jake golf tees - trinket.1999 JAKE #8 (Dancer):HIGH: Breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts.
HIGH: Golf at H-view.
Jake underwear - trinket.2000 JAKE #9 (Rosco):HIGH: 1st breakfast at the old Persy's.
2001 JAKE #10 (Heff):HIGH: Hub asking "Do you know who I am"?
HIGH: "Jimmy PC" crawling out of the Crab after being thrown out. Then Hub scoring a lobster salad sandwich that he later shared with the group while we all watched Jimmy, the drunkin mess, with delight. (Also see
Incidental Participants and
Hub's bio posts).
HIGH: Golf at Middleton.
Jake Golf balls - trinket.2002 JAKE #11 (Stubby):LOW: Rosco killing the Canadian goose on the 2nd hole of the Nicklaus course.
HIGH: Breakfast at Persy's.
2003 JAKE #12 (Chag):HIGH: Cool Chief paying for everyone's breakfast.
HIGH: Heff finally doin’ some work with
Cincinnati.2004 JAKE #13 (Rosco):
HIGH: Breakfast at Queen Anne's.
HIGH: Golf at Easton CC.
2005 JAKE #14 (Cool Chief & TP):
HIGH: Rosco's faking that Doc was withdrawing the day before Jake Day.
HIGH: Slut at the Crab "Eat your fish"!
HIGH: F1 Racing. LOW: Dee not feeling well after F1 and out for the rest of the day.
LOW: Squirrel - no show.
Jake Trophy unveiled for the 1st time ever.LOW: Not going to the Chapeau.
Rosco, TP & Stalkfleet winning scramble.HIGH: Heff winning F1 Racing.
LOW: Vin Deisel dry-humping that fat guy at Tia's (this may be in the high category if you're Heff).
HIGH: Stubby bringing nips of Old Grand-Dad for us to 'do' at lunch.
2006 JAKE #15 (Lt. Stalkfleet):
HIGH: Cool Chief: (at breakfast) "What do you have for cold cereal?" Waitress Betty: "None".
LOW: Squirrel mixin' it up with Keith K. at the BT Pub & The K-sale & The Chapeau...
Keith & Dee winning the scramble.LOW: Stubby cutting the day short because of his ailing throat.
HIGH: Shots, shots & more shots.
HIGH: Chag bringing the
bottle of Old Grand-Dad.LOW: TP, Tuck, Dee, Hub & Squirrel not showing up for breakfast.
Jake beer glass - trinket.2007 JAKE #16 (Hub):LOW: The friggin' staff and expecially the starter at Waverly.
HIGH: 100 years at the Chapeau - Beautiful stuff.
HIGH: Mr. Hub doing the cooking at the apre' golf venue.
LOW: Hub, disappearing into the night prior to
Heff's birthday shot.LOW: Squirrel - no show for 2nd time in 3 years.
Ashcan joining us all the way from Indiana - solid cat.HIGH: The scramble ending up in a 3-way tie - trophy hanging in the balance...
HIGH: Chag & Lt. Stalkfleet
winning the 3 hole tie breaker for their team
(Chag, Dancer, Lt. Stalkfleet & Ashcan).HIGH:
Jake shirt - trinket.2008 JAKE #17 (Stubby & Heff):LOW: No Jake – again… Something needs to be done about this.
Doc wins the trophy.HIGH: Dancer’s golfing prowess.
LOW: Golf venue hangs in the balance at 5:40pm the day before (Squirrel Run).
HIGH: Ashcan’s performance and graciousness.
LOW: No beers in a cooler at the softball field.
HIGH: Chag – HOF #1 unnecessary and unexpected.
HIGH: Kings – great place, great atmosphere &
a big ass bowling pin. LOW: Cool Chief Rocker’s unwillingness to put down the only
OGD shot all day.
HIGH: Stubby & Hub drop the “we’re expecting” bomb.
LOW: TP whining about the foul ball “homerun”.
LOW: Chapeau not even given a thought – not even a tip of the hat.
2009 Jake 18 (Dancer & Chag): LOW: Mother Nature is a douche bag (there I said it, now what bitch).
HIGH: Hub’s prowess on the basketball court from beyond the arc.
LOW: Barking Crab not getting us a table we could all sit at in a timely fashion (i.e. inside 1-1/2 hours).
HIGH: Lt. Stalkfleet, fooling virtually no one, save for Doc, by attending all the way from NC.
LOW: Total Package missing breakfast is simply off the charts wrong. An announcement is pending on his official Jake Status.
HIGH: Turtle at the golf course just minding his own business gets swept up in the mayhem that is Jake.
LOW: Rosco’s car doesn’t start causing him to trek back to the friendly confines of the hotel.
HIGH: Drinks at basketball much needed and a good call (the ‘sleeves’ served their purpose)
HIGH: DeeKal sucking down more crawfish than that broad but narrowly misses the crown by only a couple of critters.
LOW: Wiffleball in the rain is not as much fun as you would think.
HIGH: Chag & DeeKal taking the trophy in the blind draw.
LOW: No Chapeau again, maybe it wasn't as good as we thought it was.
HIGH: Ashcan yelling “go back to work” to the DPW driver on Atlantic Ave.
OBSERVATION: If Baggo/Cornhole was invented in the late 80’s we would have had an entirely different ‘in town’ experience.
2010 JAKE 19 (Rosco & Doc):Good luck gentlemen.
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