Thursday, April 30, 2009

Head Count:

Starting very soon we will be looking for a head count of those who will be in attenance. Anyone know of any "Incidental Participants" who may join us? Any stragglers?? What about Ashcan??
Questions need to be answered. Plans formulated and so forth.

Gentlemen it's almost May... If you haven't begun your training regiment you might want to start.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Word on the Street... that the good Lieutenant (Stalkfleet) will not be making it to Jake 18. This is disappointing on a number of levels. First, Lt. always brings his game (not his golf game you understand). Second, he is consistantly one of the last if not the last cat standing. Third, there was rumors of a Hall of Fame nomination this year for him. Alas... not to be.

Oh well - family is important and Stalkfleet is to be commended that he has chosen to stay married instead of having a few beers with a bunch of us idiots. Bless you Lieutenant - we hope to see you at #19 which is only 14 short months away.

Below we have a picture of Doc, Stalkfleet, Heff and TP at Jake 17 (2008).

Jake #17 was on Stalkfleet's son's birthday and he opted to go to Jake Day. Solid cat? or Crazy bastard?? You decide...


Monday, April 20, 2009

2 months til:

2 months til Jake boys.
Here are a few pictures from the past to get y'all in the mood...

JAKE #8, 1999

JAKE #14, 2005

JAKE #5, 1996**



Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trophy Finally Engraved 2008

Well it took a while but I finally got the trophy back from Doc and had it engraved. The only problem was the friggin' broad at "Things Remembered" did not use the correct size letters.

This means that Doc's name is slightly smaller than the others. Very unfortunate... I was fit to be tied but what can I do about it? Nothing. They don't take responsibility for anything. I'm telling you I was hopping mad but all she said was "I tried to match it as best I could" so I said I've been bringing this here since 2005 and every time they used the same size you biatch (only I didn't use the word biatch).

Oh well - congratulations Doc and nice job. I'll have to be sure they use the right size next year.


Friday, April 10, 2009

How Can This Be?

Can someone explain to me how it is that in this post 9/11 environment we don't have armed security on any and all U.S. vessels sailing anywhere in the world??

This bullshit has gone on way too long. I wonder what Obama's teleprompter says we should do?

He goes overseas and apologizes to everyone he can find for the way America has behaved. North Korea fires a missile while he is speaking at an event and then for the first time in 200 years we've got these scumbags demanding shit from us. what?? squeeze me? you're what's red n' swollen???

If you ask me what to do - it's very simple. Comply with whatever demands they want, get the Capitan back and then blow their asses up.

Sorry for the rant but this is friggin' ridiculous.


Saturday, April 04, 2009

One of the funniest things I've ever seen:

Sent to us by Rosco...
